‘AND’ vs ‘&&’ as operator in PHP
‘AND’ Operator...
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Difference Between REST API and RPC API
REST and RPC are design architectures widely used in web development to build APIs (Application Programming Interface). It is a set of instructions that permits two systems to share resources and services. The client creates a request to the server that responds to it with data in JSON or XML format....
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Difference between Web Designer and Web Developer
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Difference between JavaScript and HTML
JavaScriptJavaScript is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a high-level scripting language introduced by Netscape to be run on the client-side of the web browser. It can insert dynamic text into HTML. JavaScript is also known as the browser’s language....
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Difference between Xampp and Wamp
1. XAMPP :...
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Difference between <article> tag and <section> tag
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Difference between Full stack developer and Software developer
Should I become a software developer or a full stack developer? This is the most frequent question that comes to the mind of every student? ...
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Difference between OneDrive and iCloud
1. OneDrive : OneDrive or Microsoft OneDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service provided by the Microsoft. It gives the convenience to users for storing files, personal data and for sharing files. It offers 5 GB free storage space. It was launched by Microsoft in 2007. It is mostly used by professional workers to store the data related to work which might need more security....
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Difference between React.js and Bootstrap
React JS is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces while Bootstrap is a framework having pre-designed and styled components to create responsive UI. React dynamically builds the structure and Bootstrap add the format and styling to the components....
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What is the difference between Element and Component ?
In React, an element is the smallest building block while the component is a reusable piece of the code. The element contains the information to be rendered on the UI and the Components are composed of the elements....
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What is the difference between == and === in PHP ?
In this article, we will discuss the differences between ‘==’ and ‘===’ operators in PHP. Both are comparison operators used to compare two or more values....
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What is the difference between async.waterfall and async.series?
async.waterfall: This waterfall method runs all the functions(i.e. tasks) one by one and passes the result of the first function to the second, second function’s result to the third, and so on. When one function passes the error to its own callback, then the next functions are not executed. So, the main callback is immediately called with the error....
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